
觀世音菩薩,處女男 決定分手

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Among the Chinese, Avalokiteśvara is almost exclusively called Guanshiyin Pusa (觀世音菩薩). The Chinese translation of many Buddhist sutras has in fact replaced the Chinese transliteration of Avalokitesvara with Guanshiyin (觀世音). Some Taoist scriptures give her the title of Guanyin Dashi, sometimes informally Guanyin Fozu.


眼袋面相学:是福还是祸? 眼袋,对于许多人来说,可能是一个烦恼的象征。在面相学中,眼袋有着独特的意义。它们可能预示着个人的性格、命运和健康状况。在这篇文章中,我们将深入探讨眼袋在面相学中的角色,并解释其积极和消极方面。 我们要了解 ...

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